
Since v3.0

The simplest React wrapper around GoongJS. This is designed to be completely static, and should be used to render a map with no interactivity. For a component that supports full user interactivity, see InteractiveMap.

import * as React from 'react';
import {StaticMap} from '@goongmaps/goong-map-react';

function App() {
  return (
      zoom={8} />



The following props are used during the creation of the Goong map.

attributionControl (Boolean)
  • default: true

Equivalent to Goong's attributionControl option. If true, shows Goong's attribution control.

disableTokenWarning (Boolean)
  • default: false

If the provided API access token is rejected by Goong, StaticMap renders a warning instead of failing silently. If you know what you are doing and want to hide this warning anyways, set this prop to true.

gl (WebGLContext)

This prop is experimental.

Use an existing WebGLContext instead of creating a new one. This allows multiple libraries to render into a shared buffer. Use with caution.

goongApiAccessToken (String)

Goong API access token for GoongJS. Required when using Goong vector tiles/styles Goong WebGL context creation option. Useful when you want to export the canvas as a PNG

goongApiUrl (String)
  • default:
mapOptions (Object)
  • default: {}

Non-public API, see

An object of additional options to be passed to Goong's Map constructor. Options specified here will take precedence over those same options if set via props.

preserveDrawingBuffer (Boolean)
  • default: false

Equivalent to Goong's preserveDrawingBuffer option. If true, the map's canvas can be exported to a PNG using map.getCanvas().toDataURL().

preventStyleDiffing (Boolean)
  • default: false

If mapStyle is assigned an Immutable object, when the prop changes, StaticMap can diff between the two values and call the appropriate Goong API such as addLayer, removeLayer, setStyle, setData, etc. This allows apps to update data sources and layer styles efficiently. In use cases such as animation or dynamic showing/hiding layers, style diffing prevents the map from reloading and flickering when the map style changes.

There are known issues with style diffing. As stopgap, use this option to prevent style diffing.

reuseMaps (Boolean)
  • default: false

This prop is experimental.

If true, when the map component is unmounted, instead of calling remove on the Goong map instance, save it for later reuse. This will avoid repeatedly creating new Goong map instances if possible.

Applications that frequently mount and unmount maps may try this prop to help work around a goong-js resource leak issue that can lead to a browser crash in certain situations.

transformRequest (Function)
  • default: null

A callback run before the Map makes a request for an external URL. The callback can be used to modify the url, set headers, or set the credentials property for cross-origin requests. Expected to return an object with a url property and optionally headers and credentials properties. Equivalent to Goong's transformRequest map option.

Map State

mapStyle (String | Object | Immutable.Map)
  • default: ''

The Goong style. A string url or a GoongJS style object (regular JS object or Immutable.Map).

Whenever the mapStyle prop changes, the component will attempt to update the style of the underlying Goong map. The behavior can be further customized with the preventStyleDiffing prop.

mapStyle is ignored when explicitly set to null.

width (Number | String, required)

The width of the map. Can be either a number in pixels, or a valid CSS string.

height (Number | String, required)

The height of the map. Can be either a number in pixels, or a valid CSS string.

latitude (Number)

The latitude of the center of the map, as a top level prop. Only used if viewState is not supplied.

longitude (Number)

The longitude of the center of the map, as a top level prop. Only used if viewState is not supplied.

zoom (Number)

The tile zoom level of the map, as a top level prop. Only used if viewState is not supplied.

Bounded implicitly by default minZoom and maxZoom of GoongJS

bearing (Number)
  • default: 0

Specify the bearing of the viewport, as a top level prop. Only used if viewState is not supplied.

pitch (Number)
  • default: 0

Specify the pitch of the viewport, as a top level prop. Only used if viewState is not supplied..

altitude (Number)
  • default: 1.5

Non-public API, see

Altitude of the viewport camera, relative to screen height.

viewState (Object)

An object containing the view state of the map specified by the following fields:

  • latitude (Number) - The latitude of the center of the map.
  • longitude (Number) - The longitude of the center of the map.
  • zoom (Number) - The tile zoom level of the map. Bounded implicitly by default minZoom and maxZoom of GoongJS.
  • bearing (Number) - default: 0 - The bearing of the viewport.
  • pitch (Number) - default: 0 - The pitch of the viewport.
  • altitude (Number) - default: 1.5 screen heights

Note: Either the viewState, or the latitude, longitude and zoom properties need to be specified.

Render Options

asyncRender (Boolean)
  • default: false

If true, let Goong manage its own render cycle. This is the behavior prior to v4.1.

If false, force Goong canvas to redraw with DOM updates. This will make the map synchronize better with other controls during prop-driven viewport changes.

style (Object)

The CSS style of the map container.

visible (Boolean)
  • default: true

Whether the map is visible. Unmounting and re-mounting a Goong instance is known to be costly. This option offers a way to hide a map using CSS style.

visibilityConstraints (Object)

An object that specifies bounds for viewport props with min*, max* keys. If the viewport props are outside of these constraints, the Goong map is automatically hidden.

Default: { minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 20, minPitch: 0, maxPitch: 60 }


onLoad (Function)
  • default: () => {}

A callback run when the map emits a load event. Goong docs

onResize (Function)
  • default: () => {}

A callback run when the map size has changed.

onError (Function)
  • default: console.error

A callback run when the map emits an error event. Goong docs



Returns the Goong instance if initialized. The Map instance will have full access to GoongJS's API.



Use Goong's queryRenderedFeatures API to find features at point or in a bounding box. If the parameters argument is not specified, only queries the layers with the interactive property in the layer style.

queryRenderedFeatures(geometry, parameters)

  • geometry {[Number, Number | [[Number, Number, [Number, Number - Point or an array of two points defining the bounding box. Coordinates in pixels.
  • parameters - Query options. For more details, see Goong API documentation.

