To use any of Goong APIs, SDKs, you'll need API keys.
Goong uses API key to associate API requests with your account. You can find your keys, create new ones, or delete existing ones on your Account Page.

How to use Goong API Key

Goong provides two types of API Keys:

  • Map tiles key for using of Map view
  • REST API Key for using of all REST APIs

Create Goong API KEY

For example: If you want to display a mapview with goong-js, you should create a Map tiles key.
Then provide your key like below:

goongjs.accessToken = 'your maptiles key here';
    var map = new goongjs.Map({
    container: 'map',
    style: 'https://tiles.goong.io/assets/goong_map_web.json', // stylesheet location
    center: [105.83991, 21.02800], // starting position [lng, lat]
    zoom: 9 // starting zoom

Or if you want to use Geocoding API you should create an API KEY.
Geocoding example request:

$ curl "https://rsapi.goong.io/Geocode?latlng=21.013715429594125,%20105.79829597455202&api_key={YOUR_API_KEY}"

URL restrictions

You can make your API Keys more secure by adding URL restrictions from the account dashboard. When you add URL restrictions to a key, that key will only work for requests to billable Goong services that originate from the URLs you specify. Requests from unauthorized URLs will return status code 403: Forbidden.

API Keys without restrictions will work for requests originating from any URL.



Usage statistics

You can see the use statistics for all your tokens, for any specified period, on your Goong account Statistics page.

Rate limit

  • REST API Key limits 1000 per day, 5 per second.
  • Maptiles Key limits ~1000 maploads requests per month.

If you exceed this rate limit, your request will be throttled and you will receive a HTTP 429 Too Many Requests response from the API.
If you need a rate limit that is higher than the default, see our Pricing Plans or contact us