Goong DocumentsExamplesExtrude polygons for 3D indoor mapping

Extrude polygons for 3D indoor mapping

Create a 3D indoor map with the fill-extrude-height paint property.

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Extrude polygons for 3D indoor mapping</title>
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body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
#map { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; }
<div id="map"></div>
goongjs.accessToken = '8qzxZAuxcsctSlmOszInchP1A5GrmRBHJwCBCjO6';
var map = new goongjs.Map({
container: 'map',
style: '',
center: [-87.61694, 41.86625],
zoom: 15.99,
pitch: 40,
bearing: 20,
antialias: true
map.on('load', function () {
map.addSource('floorplan', {
// GeoJSON Data source used in vector tiles, documented at
'type': 'geojson',
'data': ''
'id': 'room-extrusion',
'type': 'fill-extrusion',
'source': 'floorplan',
'paint': {
// See the Mapbox Style Specification for details on data expressions.
// Get the fill-extrusion-color from the source 'color' property.
'fill-extrusion-color': ['get', 'color'],
// Get fill-extrusion-height from the source 'height' property.
'fill-extrusion-height': ['get', 'height'],
// Get fill-extrusion-base from the source 'base_height' property.
'fill-extrusion-base': ['get', 'base_height'],
// Make extrusions slightly opaque for see through indoor walls.
'fill-extrusion-opacity': 0.5