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Goong Documents
Display a map
Initialize a map in an HTML element with Goong GL JS.
Add a 3D model
Use a custom style layer with three.js to add a 3D model to the map.
Add a autocomplete widget to Goong JS
Use goong-geocoder-js to display a search box.
Add a canvas source
Add a canvas source to the map.
Add a custom style layer
Use a custom style layer to render custom WebGL content.
Add a default marker
Add a default marker to the map.
Add a generated icon to the map
Add an icon to the map that was generated at runtime.
Add a GeoJSON line
Add a GeoJSON line to a map using addSource, then style it using addLayer’s paint properties.
Add a GeoJSON polygon
Style a polygon with the fill layer type.
Add a new layer below labels
Use the second argument of addLayer to add a layer below labels.
Add a pattern to a polygon
Use fill-pattern to draw a polygon from a repeating image pattern.
Add a raster tile source
Add a third-party raster source to the map.
Add a stretchable image to the map
Use a stretchable image as a background for text.
Add a third party vector tile source
Render vector data provided by Mapillary.
Add a vector tile source
Add a vector source to a map.
Add a video
Display a video on top of a satellite raster baselayer.
Add a WMS source
Add an external Web Map Service raster layer to the map using addSource's tiles option.
Add an animated icon to the map
Add an animated icon to the map that was generated at runtime with the Canvas API.
Add an icon to the map
Add an icon to the map from an external URL and use it in a symbol layer.
Add custom icons with Markers
Add custom marker icons to your map.
Add live realtime data
Use realtime GeoJSON data streams to move a symbol on your map.
Add multiple geometries from one GeoJSON source
Add a polygon and circle layer from the same GeoJSON source.
Add support for right-to-left scripts
Use the mapbox-gl-rtl-text plugin to support right-to-left languages such as Arabic and Hebrew.
Animate a line
Animate a line by updating a GeoJSON source on each frame.
Animate a marker
Animate the position of a marker by updating its location on each frame.
Animate a point
Animate the position of a point by updating a GeoJSON source on each frame.
Animate a point along a route
Use Turf to smoothly animate a point along the distance of a line.
Animate a series of images
Use a series of image sources to create an animation.
Animate map camera around a point
Animate the map camera around a point.
Attach a popup to a marker instance
Attach a popup to a marker and display it on click.
Center the map on a clicked symbol
Use events and flyTo to center the map on a symbol.
Change a layer's color with buttons
Use setPaintProperty to change a layer's fill color.
Change a map's language
Use setLayoutProperty to switch languages dynamically.
Change a map's style
Change style of the map.
Change building color based on zoom level
Use the interpolate expression to ease-in the building layer and smoothly fade from one color to the next.
Change the case of labels
Use the upcase and downcase expressions to change the case of labels.
Change the default position for attribution
Place attribution in the top-left position when initializing a map.
Check if Goong GL JS is supported
Check for Goong GL browser support.
Create a draggable Marker
Drag the marker to a new location on a map and populate its coordinates in a display.
Create a draggable point
Drag the point to a new location on a map and populate its coordinates in a display.
Create a gradient line using an expression
Use the line-gradient paint property and an expression to visualize distance from the starting point of a line.
Create a heatmap layer
Visualize earthquake frequency by location using a heatmap layer.
Create a hover effect
Use events and feature states to create a per feature hover effect.
Create a time slider
Visualize earthquakes with a range slider.
Create and style clusters
Use Goong GL JS' built-in functions to visualize points as clusters.
Customize camera animations
Customize camera animations using AnimationOptions.
Disable map rotation
Prevent users from rotating a map.
Disable scroll zoom
Prevent scroll from zooming a map.
Display a non-interactive map
Disable interactivity to create a static map.
Display a popup
Add a popup to the map.
Display a popup on click
When a user clicks a symbol, show a popup containing more information.
Display a popup on hover
When a user hovers over a custom marker, show a popup containing more information.
Display a satellite map
Display a satellite raster baselayer.
Display and style rich text labels
Use the format expression to display country labels in larger size.
Display buildings in 3D
Use extrusions to display buildings' height in 3D.
Display HTML clusters with custom properties
Extend clustering with HTML markers and custom property expressions.
Display line that crosses 180th meridian
Draw a line across the 180th meridian using a GeoJSON source.
Display map navigation controls
Add zoom and rotation controls to the map.
Draw GeoJSON points
Draw points from a GeoJSON collection to a map.
Draw route on map using Goong Directions API
Draw a route line on map using Goong Directions API.
Extrude polygons for 3D indoor mapping
Create a 3D indoor map with the fill-extrude-height paint property.
Filter symbols by text input
Filter symbols by icon name by typing in a text input.
Filter symbols by toggling a list
Filter a set of symbols based on a property value in the data.
Fit a map to a bounding box
Fit the map to a specific area, regardless of the pixel size of the map.
Fit to the bounds of a LineString
Get the bounds of a LineString.
Fly to a location
Use flyTo to smoothly interpolate between locations.
Fly to a location based on scroll position
Scroll down through the story and the map will fly to the chapter's location.
Generate and add a missing icon to the map
Dynamically generate a missing icon at runtime and add it to the map.
Get coordinates of the mouse pointer
Show mouse position on hover with pixel and latitude and longitude coordinates.
Get features under the mouse pointer
Use queryRenderedFeatures to show properties of hovered-over map elements.
Jump to a series of locations
Use the jumpTo function to showcase multiple locations.
Locate the user
Geolocate the user and then track their current location on the map using the GeolocateControl.
Measure distances
Click points on a map to create lines that measure distanced using turf.length.
Navigate the map with game-like controls
Use the keyboard's arrow keys to move around the map with game-like controls.
Offset the vanishing point using padding
Offset the center or vanishing point of the map to reduce distortion when floating elements are displayed over the map.
Render world copies
Toggle between rendering a single world and multiple copies of the world using setRenderWorldCopies.
Restrict map panning to an area
Prevent a map from being panned to a different place by setting maxBounds.
Set pitch and bearing
Initialize a map with pitch and bearing camera options.
Show drawn polygon area
Use mapbox-gl-draw to draw a polygon and Turf.js to calculate its area in square meters.
Show polygon information on click
When a user clicks a polygon, show a popup containing more information.
Slowly fly to a location
Use flyTo with flyOptions to slowly zoom to a location.
Style lines with a data-driven property
Create a visualization with a data expression for line-color.
Toggle interactions
Enable or disable UI handlers on a map.
Update a feature in realtime
Change an existing feature on your map in real-time by updating its data.
Use a fallback image
Use a coalesce expression to display another image when a requested image is not available.
Use the autocomplete widget without a map
Use goong-geocoder-js to display a search box without a map.
Variable label placement
Use text-variable-anchor to allow high priority labels to shift position to stay on the map.
View a fullscreen map
Toggle between current view and fullscreen mode.
Visualize population density
Use a variable binding expression to calculate and display population density.